Case Study: 4th Street Baptist Church
Case Study: 4th Street Baptist Church
The Situation: Once a bustling body of believers, 4th Street Baptist Church had dwindled down to only 17 in attendance – and the youngest of those was 74 years old. Kenny Lynch had pastored the church in its heyday during the 1990s and returned to his hometown to be a shepherd to the congregation as they regained their footing in 2020. After years of being too inwardly focused, the people of 4th St needed help to grow, reach their community and find relevance in today’s world. Kenny quickly realized the path to relevance started with technology.
The Solution: Unsure about the technology piece, Kenny reached out to the team at OneEighty Digital. He knew the church needed to do something different with their website and was relieved to trust OneEighty Digital with the results. “I had confidence in Wesley,” he said. “I was overwhelmed and grateful to give the development of the website to OneEighty Digital.”
As the facilities were updated and the people started to regain their excitement for ministry, the church’s website needed to reflect that growth. A sharp, clean website gives visitors a taste of what they will experience on the grounds of 4th St Baptist Church and serves as a signpost of the revitalization process that is taking place among the people.
Stepping into the Future: With a focus on discipleship and the Great Commission, Kenny feels confident the church has turned a corner and will have a name in the community once again. The digital platform OneEighty Digital was able to give them has been a valuable foundation to build an online presence that mirrors the vibrancy of the growing congregation.
A Word from Wesley: A big piece of church revitalization is digital presence. Just like a rundown facility can keep people from taking a chance on you, so will a rundown, tired-looking website. Let your revitalization journey be reflected on your website and your social media presence. You never know what divine appointment could be a click away.