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Wesley’s Story—An Interview with the Owner of One Eighty Digital

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Wesley’s Story—An Interview with the Owner of One Eighty Digital

June 29, 2021
June 29, 2021

Here at One Eighty Digital we believe we do our best work for you by getting to know you and your organization – your mission, your vision, the reason you do what you do. By knowing you well we understand how we can serve you better.

So in a true spirit of reciprocity, we thought we’d let you get to know us as well. Each of our lives tells a story of who we are and how God has brought us all together.

Learn who Wes is and what drives One Eighty Digital

From a young age, Wesley Lewis had a desire to know how things worked. His natural affinity for all things tech meant he was the guy his friends called when their digital worlds were out of whack.

From a young age, God showed Wesley that He had more for him than he had imagined. Growing up in the church, he always knew who God was but the gospel became personal to him as a high school student, not so much altering his behaviors but the motivations behind his behaviors – why he read his bible and went to church. While he had been thinking he might have a future career in technology, God let Wes know He had something else in mind.

Always a planner, Wesley had a vision for what he wanted his life to look and be like. “God led me to erase all my plans and trust Him to do what He could with my life,” he said. “I began to understand my own desires through the Holy Spirit. He showed me my own desires were selfish and not what He would have me do. God wanted me to serve the church.”

With that surrender to full time ministry, Wesley met and married his high school sweetheart Amanda and attended college and seminary at Liberty University in Virginia.

Once back home in Northeast Florida, Wesley began serving churches, but as many young pastors know, a side hustle certainly helps pay the bills. He found there was an opportunity for his tech experience to collide with his love for and ability to help pastors with their church websites.

“It was a part of my gifting I wasn’t using at that point,” he said. “ It evolved and grew into a full-time business.”

Thus One Eighty Digital was born.

“There is untapped potential for churches to reach the lost through digital communications,” Wes said. “I want to see churches grab ahold of that and use it for its potential to grow the Kingdom of God.”

Through One Eighty Digital, Wes gets to take part in a different kind of mission work.

“I get excited about helping faith-based non-profits and churches, I feel like I get to partner with what they’re doing.”

That’s Wes’ desire for One Eighty Digital – to be a missions partner to churches and pastors, providing a trusted voice when it comes to digital communications for churches.

God has used One Eighty Digital to open doors for Wes and introduce him to people he might not otherwise have been exposed to. Aside from churches, One Eighty Digital comes alongside businesses and faith-based organizations of all sizes, giving him the opportunity to open doors for gospel conversations.

“It’s an opportunity for me to pastor the unchurched,” he said. “God has opened those doors.”

But God has opened doors for Wesley to speak into the lives of other believers as well – mainly other pastors like himself.

“I love talking to and praying for other pastors. It’s an unexpected part of our work at One Eighty Digital. We talk about technology and then we end up talking about a lot more,” he said.  “I always like to end our conversation by praying over the pastor and his church and ministry.”

It’s how Wes says God uses him to minister to other pastors.

Wesley knows all too well the struggles of pastors because he walks in their shoes daily. He currently is wearing more than one hat at Redemption Church in Jacksonville, serving as associate pastor of Worship and Communication and as an elder there. Add to that his work with the Jacksonville Baptist Association overseeing Communication and Technology, several seminary degrees, a young technology company, and a young family, he understands the multifaceted, multi-tasking lives many pastors live these days.

So what advice would Wesley give when it comes to your church’s digital footprint?

“Don’t neglect thinking through how you want to be perceived online as a church because it’s the primary way people are going to find you is online. Do something – even if it’s a small step like setting up a Facebook page.”

But the most important thing Wesley wants churches to remember is this – you don’t have to do this alone.

“One Eighty Digital is here to help churches effectively communicate their mission and vision and values.”

Wondering  what this Jesus-loving, tech guru does in his spare time – assuming he has any? We asked him!

What kinds of things do you like to do?

Like most Floridians, Wesley and his family enjoy relaxing, reflecting and playing at the beach. Throw in an occasional family adventure at Disney and the Lewis family is living the Florida dream.

What are you reading right now?Rethink Communication: A Playbook to Clarify and Communicate Everything in Your Church by Phil Bowdle. “It’s a church communication book to help churches have a plan to communicate effectively,” Wesley explained. This is just one more title to add to his list as he pursues his desire to read every church communication book written.

What podcasts have your attention?

Wesley said he listens to a lot, but the two main ones are “Replant Bootcamp” and “Building a Business that Lasts.” He said these two podcasts speak to two sides of his life right now. “’Replant Bootcamp’ keeps me up to date with things that are happening in pastoral ministry and church revitalization [Redemption Church where he serves on staff is currently in revitalization] and “Building a Business” helps me build One Eighty Digital.

“I want One Eighty Digital to impact people and churches for a long time to come.”

If something in Wesley’s story resonates with you, we want to hear from you! If you would like to see how One Eighty Digital could help your church, we want to connect! Leave us a comment, send us an email or text or really go old school and give us a call! We can’t wait to find out how we can serve you

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