Crown Point Church—A Client Story
Crown Point Church—A Client Story
A client story can be a tale of redemption, a heroic change in a brand, how a big problem is solved, or how a brand moves forward after forced change. Telling stories is what we do. It’s what all humans do to some extent. We tell your stories through your websites, we help you share who you are, and help you reach your audience with ways you can help your clients and congregations in their lives to enrich their stories. Life is a story when we break it all down. We wanted to tell our client story so others will know they aren’t alone on their journeys to better their website, brand, and their own storytelling abilities.
Client Story – The storyteller: Crown Point Church
The Situation:
After decades in existence on Old St. Augustine Road behind Tillman’s Meat Market, Crown Point Church discovered it had lost its identity in the community. As the community grew, changed and diversified, Crown Point remained the same and as a result, they became a forgotten fixture rather than a vibrant outpost where God had planted them. When new pastor Mike Ragland came a couple of years ago, he immediately noticed the need for revitalization of their ministry and a refreshing of their look. That would mean making some big changes.
The Solution:
There were three main areas that needed to be addressed. The first was their name. Dropping the word ‘Baptist’ from the name and image the church presented to the community cut out any confusion or negative preconceived notions about who they were as a ministry. The suggestion caught Pastor Ragland off-guard, but he gamely presented it to the congregation and they were in favor of the change. With the new initials, came a new acronym – CPC – that could be leveraged into some taglines like “Connecting People with Church” and “Connecting People with Community.”
Next, they tackled the logo. After simplifying the name, it made sense to do the same to Crown Point’s logo, which was busy and not easily understandable. “No one knew what it meant until it was explained to them,” Pastor Ragland shared. “One Eighty Digital produced a modern, simple, sleek logo that would help us be identified in the community as a church that they can trust and depend on.”
The last piece was the website. Giving it an overall clean look, the One Eighty Digital team added a featured image gallery that allowed the church to showcase multiple images and announcements. This gave the church the ability to highlight the changes they were going through so people searching for them would know exactly who and what Crown Point was about. They also got an easy link to their livestream on Facebook and YouTube, which came in handy during the Covid-19 quarantine.
Stepping into the Future:
Crown Point Church’s new and improved look and enhanced website functionality became the centerpiece of their online communication strategy. The new features of their modernized website include an events calendar, a searchable sermon archive, flexible forms to connect with visitors and a link to online giving. Pastor Ragland credits the team at One Eighty Digital with helping Crown Point Church begin a new chapter. With One Eighty Digital’s help, Crown Point Church has discovered a fresh identity and a fresh outpouring of energy to fulfill their biblical mandate to go and make disciples.
A Word from Wesley:
If you are wanting to grow your church, don’t forget to evaluate your church’s logo and website (see our services) These are how your community identifies you. And update lets your community know that you are a dynamic ministry where new things are happening. Your logo and website should be an accurate reflection of who you are as a church. Make sure they represent your church well and update them regularly.